The site of reversible destiny Yoro, Sekigahara Warland, Gifu. [youtube vlog]

A few weeks ago we went to explore two places on my “To see” list. The Site of Reversible Destiny in Yoro, Gifu and Sekigahara Warland, which is also in Gifu.

These places are so close to us but we had never been there. We had an afternoon free so it was time to go and visit. The site of reversible destiny was actually rather dangerous. They give you a helmet if you want it at the entrance. That is pretty scary.

The park is a bit insane. Not really sure what is going on, but loved finding all of the random things hanging about and taking weird pictures. IMG_1539

It was pretty amazing to climb around.


I video’d some of the footage so check it out. Loved exploring the crazy art pieces.

We also headed to Sekigahara war land which was full of crazy painted figures from the Sekigahara war back in the day. Full of Random figures and it was amazing. Loved the random colours and the war scenes.



Overall a very arty and colourful weekend in Gifu.

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