The need for a thick skin in Japan. Racism and Body Image issues in Japanese workplace.

ot exactly the most fun of topics in my youtube video series, but I felt that it was something to address. Since being here, I have came across a lot of racism. Sad but true. It’s not something you can run away from. Most people here are Japanese and there is a large we are Japanese and everything else is a foreigner. Which is true, but when I say Japanese, this means pure Japanese and even if you were born here and weren’t asian, you wouldn’t be considered Japanese…very sad. It’s a bit weird.

But the main issue I have been dealing with recently is body image. Some workplaces have rules when it comes to being overweight and obese. If your belly is over a certain size, they may dock your pay or you may not get a good job review… I don’t even understand how being a little overweight will affect my job when it comes to using BMI or a measuring tape to measure how overweight you are..  But it’s something I now have to deal with in my work life. The inner feminist in me is wanting to tell the world to f off and stop judging people. But I know that probably won’t make a difference.

More than ever, in my line of work here, I have to be stronger. I need a thick skin and to be strong. So instead of being negative about something, I’d rather take the positive route and work on myself. Myself is fabulous and I’m going to try and make myself more fabulous!

Anyway, check out this weeks video. Am trying to keep it nice and positive, but sorry if it sounds negative! What do you think on the subject?

Youtube branding and supporting a digital presence on the internet.

For a long time I have been interested in the aspect of youtube branding and how it effects online brands. More and More brands are using youtube to their advantage and strengthen the power of their brand. Recently I’ve been playing about with this concept with a few of the brands that we work with at Choreo. However being the only video creator in the office I don’t really have anyone to buzz off of about video creation or direction. I’ve been pushing my way through to create digital content for our two big clients. My days have been constantly filled with phone calls and making scripts, storyboards and opening and ending treatments.

What I thought I could put out in a few hours took a lot longer, thinking through concepts and angles but it’s been a learning experience. I’ve worked at directing some in house video productions but directing someone else over the phone has been a challenge. Theres days where I just wish I could jump on the train and go and video the scenes myself. But I understand that the client has to grasp the concept too and we are both contributing in our own ways.

The clients we work with here are Japanese, but here are some of the videos that I’ve been working on over the last few days. Trying to create a full support for how to use an online recycle website. The first video takes the user through the application process. We had a lot of fun shooting this one.

Sorry again! It’s all in Japanese. It’s just a straight forward, how to use the service but it seems to have helped a lot of customers with the service and understanding how it works. My coworker was the actor. We have to go with what we have!

The next brand we work with provide party prizes for events and companies. So we decided to make videos showing the different benefits of using the company. Even just showing the items that come with the set. I would love to do more interesting stuff in the future, but for now just working out what the clients need for their brand is our priority just now.

Understanding the Japanese market, working on it! But it’s very interesting to have a more hands on approach with the brands and trying to realise the same goal together. Youtube is a great place to build a supporting network for existing brands. Not just watching a monkey with it’s pee.

the 100 day project Progress! Loving vector type!


I think I must have been stressed out at work last week as I came up with this illustration! I finally got a Macbook pro, which means I can do my creative work in the living room and spend time with my husband which is really nice. The 100 day project has been really helping me try out some new concepts and designs and not care so much about being neat or drawing perfect lines. It’s really weird how there is this pressure on myself and my sketchbook! It’s that first blank page that is the hardest… But with drawing everyday I just feel free and happy and I’ve popped out some work that I really like. I’m not so confident in Type but just playing around with it has opened my eyes up to a lot of different styles I can use at work.

That and I somehow like to channel the 80’s… I don’t know why but I really like 80’s inspired things.


It’s nice to have a visual record of my life too. I got new shoes, and so this went into my illustration for the day.

Let’s see what the remaining 60 or so days will bring! Good luck to those working on the 100 day project!

April Favourites! Youtube episode!


I’ve been saving up my money and trying to be careful for the last few years due to weddings, trips home and just general getting older-ness, but recently I’ve been buying things that I usually don’t. It’s really weird to go from budgeting like crazy and then having a little bit of money to spend on yourself. Here life can be rather expensive if you are not an English teacher. English teachers get paid a lot of money in comparison to Graphic Design, which is a bit sad I think. The world needs teachers though!

I tried my hand at a “April Favourites” Youtube video. I like seeing the Favourite videos on youtube and seeing what other people are interested in and are doing. I think I might have a slight addiction to youtube as I don’t have much contact with people that speak English. Watching youtube vlogs, keeps me in touch with the world! Sad but true.

Anyway, please have a look at my attempt at an “April Favourite” video. My life isn’t super exciting at the moment but let me know what you think.

Healthy addiction to learning.


Recently I have been rather quiet on my blog because of a very very important application called “Skillshare”.

I finally got into the application after they had a sale on their memberships. $1 for a month! Bargain! So I’ve been addicted to watching everything design related…I mean EVERYTHING. I’m in love with the hand lettering courses. I’ve been working on the 100 day project with my own lettering so It’s really helped with my creativity and style.

What is super helpful is that I can download things at home and then run them on my app even when my internet access is limited. It helps so much with my battery too. I may even change my iPod into a Skillshare machine!

I did discover one of my favourite doodle artists was running a course on skillshare so I instantly downloaded it on my app and watched it in a day.. it was fantastic. Of course his name is Jon Burgerman and the course was pretty fascinating. To see the process of another artists or design is just super fascinating to me.


If you have an interest in doodles or the doodle process then check it out. I have a link for a free month if you would like to check it out. I highly recommend checking out the courses.

Free Month subscription!

Let me know how you get on! it’s very healthy to be addicted to learning. Enjoy!

Japanese Magazine Brain! Youtube series

I absolutely love reading the Japanese Graphic magazine Brain. Its my special fun time at work when it comes into the office. Theres not actually that many magazines that cover graphic design or advertising but this one helps fill my creative hunger.

It may be because most of the Japanese characters look funky and new, even after 8 years of living here.

This week in my you tube channel I decided to introduce one of my favourite magazines. It’s all in Japanese but please check it out. I love the layouts and the graphics. It’s really fun to check out what the Japanese Graphic Industry is up to in a magazine rather than online sometimes!

The magazine can be found here :

Brain Facebook Page :
Brain Website :

You Tube Series – Married and Family life in the Japanese workplace


It’s my first anniversary! weee! Pretty happy having been married for the last year. Things can be pretty tough due to the working hours here but we’ve managed to be pretty happy which is great.

I continued to work after I got married but in Japan it can be a lot different cutural wise and some woman decide to quit their jobs to have children or take care of their husbands.

This week we discuss some of these cultural differences. check it out!