Kyushu – trip to the other end of Japan

Over new year we went to Kyushu to visit that one place we’ve never stepped foot in. Kyushu is really far from Gifu, so this was a bit of a luxury for us. The train alone costs a fair bit so we’d never really had the chance to go.

I have loads of pictures to work through and upload. But for now I’ll just give the highlights.

Beppu had some serious hot spring problems. Crocodile hot spring anyone?


It was like walking through Jurassic park. These were alive!


The hot spring hells were so much fun. Seeing seeing hot water coming from the ground in different colours was great.


Nagasaki had a funky Chinatown, with some really good tasting Chinese food.



Nagasaki was pretty cool 🙂 highly recommend it! Although the streets looked older than what I expected. The drive down into Nagasaki was great, such steep roads. It’s not often that you get cities that have hills here. It’s generally very flat is large cities here.

Expect more pictures soon.

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